Disclaimer: The information
on this page is to be used as a guideline. Some information comes from
SHG Members, while other information comes from internet sources. You
are advised to always contact your veterinarian regarding any health issues.
The officers and members of the
SmallestHorse Group are not responsible for the content.
Development of the Miniature Horse Fetus SHG Thanks Kim Landis of
Crayonbox Miniature Horses
0-49 Days No photos available
At this stage of
development, the the fetus is absorbed and not aborted.
60 Day Fetus 3 1/2 inches
Courtesy of
Kickapoo Miniatures

138 Days (4 1/2 months), 11"
Chest to
tail: 6.75"
Head to tail: 11"
Top of withers to bottom of hoof: 6"
Cannon bone: 1"
Dam was 30", Sire 27.75"
Courtesy of
Chaos Ranch |

Approx. 210 Days (7 months) 16.5" long
Mare had difficulty
passing fetus, may have been out of position and the reason from dark
spots on shoulders and forehead.
Experienced broodmare, 30.5" tall, stallion 34", reason for abortion
unknown. Mare prolapsed uterus following day and was retired from
breeding. |
7 months, 10 days
(approx 220 days)
14" long, 10 lbs.
Filly died inutero,
covered with fine hair (not visible), body decomposing, plancenta
brown. Necropsy reported no conclusion as to cause of death.
Courtesy of
Quarter Moon Farm |

9 months
(approx 275 days)
Colt, necropsy report
found mare's placenta was thin. The mare aborted colt one day after 9
month Pnuemabort-K vaccination.
Courtesy of
The Crabby Chicken Ranch |

9 1/2 months
(approx 290 days)
Red bag delivery with no
bag development, no cause found.
Courtesy of
SevenAcres Farm |

10 1/2 months
(approx. 315-320 days)
Buckskin/pinto colt,
aborted/stillborn, necropsy showed he never breathed oxygen. Could
have had cord wrapped around neck or birthing trauma, no way to tell
which it was.
Courtesy of
Quarter Moon Farm |

Approx 326 Days
(10 months)
Normal, healthy colt.
"C-Spots Little Bear"
33.75" Dam (same as colt below), 28.5" Sire
Courtesy of
Crayonbox Miniatures |

Approx 340 Days
(11 months)
Normal, healthy colt, 22"
tall at birth..
"Crayonbox Spotless Perfection"
33.75" dam (same as colt above), 34" Sire.
Courtesy of
Crayonbox Miniatures |