Bill and Wanalynn Chapman
The Welcoming Committee and Executive Board began this program retroactively to
include a 2006 SmallestHorse Group Biggest Heart Award winner.
The 2007 SmallestHorse Group Biggest Heart Award winner was nominated by the
members of the SmallestHorse Group. Emails or letters were sent to the
Chairman of the Welcoming Committee and then the letters were posted on the
forum for the members to read. When nominations were closed, a poll was placed
on the forum for the SHG members to vote for the person that they believed had
contributed the most to the SmallestHorse Group in 2007.
The Chapman's received two nominating emails. The following are copies of
the emails:
Letter #1:
SmallestHorse Group Members,
Bill and Wanalynn have a wonderful farm filled with their own beautiful horses
which they proudly share with the community. They also open their hearts and
accept into their care dwarf miniature horses that other farms can't find a way
to care for as well as horses with other disabilities such as blindness. They
spend an enormous amount of their own money and time traveling distances to pick
up these horses and then caring for these animals in way that gives them a
wonderful quality of life for as long as they live. While Bill is the voice and
pursestrings of the heart , Wanalynn is the day to day caregiver of the heart.
They both give so much back to the miniature horse world while promoting the 30"
and under miniature horses. I am so proud to personally know them and call them
my friends. They deserve this award for all their hard work and their good
heart. They truly have "the biggest" of hearts.
Judy Zachary
Letter #2
Anonymous nomination
Bill has gone way beyond the duties of
vice president or membership director of the SmallestHorse Group. He is
one of the founding members and has always taken part in the activities
of the group. I remember his needing t-shirts in lots of colors because
he and Wanalynn were wearing them at a show and didn't want people to
think they weren't changing clothes. I think they had two grey SHG
He shares his little horses with the community...you can see on the
website on Minis Helping Many. He also is always willing to offer a
listening ear when their is a problem whether with the group, a horse or
just my personal life.
Bill and Wanalynn have opened their homes to so many dwarves and given
them a great home. He is active in educating people that small does not
mean dwarf.
Bill and Wanalynn promote the 30" and under horse in so many ways and
they are planning to show in 2008. There are so many things to say about
the both of them....but the one thing I know from my contact with them
is that they are "good" people....and although I only know them through
the internet, my life has been blessed by knowing them.
It is with honor that the Welcoming Committee and Executive Committee to
presents the second recipient of the SmallestHorse Group Biggest Heart Award.
Bill and Wanalynn Chapman
WW Miniature Horses
2007 SmallestHorse Group
Biggest Heart Award